Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Favorite Fabric Flower by Wise Craft

This is the first fabric flower I made off of this tutorial.  There is a downloadable template too.  I took it and made it a little smaller and now make the smaller ones for my daughters hair so when she wears pig tails she can wear two bows this original size was to large for a six year old to wear two in her hair at the same time.  I love this bow.  The only thing I did different is I did not cut the slits in them.  The first picture of the one I made has the slits and the second one I made below does not have the slits.  I liked them better with out them so all my other ones do not have them on them.  You can make it either way.  Click Here for the tutorial on how to make these great bows. 


Here are a few I made to match my daughters outfits (my actual first two bows I ever made out of fabric):



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