Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Rolled Flower Headband

I made this headband for my daughters Christmas dress.  I did not want to ruin a nice headband so after I made all three flowers I laid them on a piece of felt and glued them to the felt and cut around the edges.  I then took two hair clips and covered them with ribbon and glued them to the backside.  When this is on my daughters head you do not see the clips on there.  If you do not know how to make the rolled flowers there are several tutorial on how to make them on this blog.  I cut out a round piece of felt and then cut my strips and tied one end in a knot and glued it to the center of the felt and started rolling and gluing it as I went around.  This one took me approx 2 hours to make (my other rolled flowers took a lot less time than this one did) since I had to be so careful when I was using my glue gun not get glue on the fabric.  I probably should have used something else to glue it with but with but I didn’t.  With this satin fabric you can see the glue on every speck and is hard to get it to look good.  I could not decide on what to put in the middle so I just used some small pearls and glued them on. 



  1. That is so cute! I like how you used the clips, so you could put other custom made flowers on the same headband. I'll bet your daughter had fun wearing it!

  2. I make all my flowers with clips like that, that way I can clip 'em on a headband if that's what I wanna do or clip 'em on my purse or whatever strikes my fancy that day.

    Great job!

  3. What a great idea to clip it on! Great job!

