Friday, September 28, 2012

Product Review– Shabby Flowers, Rhinestone Buttons and Felt Circles from Pampered Princess Pretties

Pampered Princess Pretties now stocks an assortment of Rhinestone Buttons.  Here are a few samples and sizes of these buttons. I love the different colors in these buttons and they look so good on bows, headbands:

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Here are two 2 1/2” shabby flowers with the two different size buttons to get a feel on this sizes of these buttons the first one is the larger 24mm button and the one on the left is a 13mm button.



Here are a few headbands I made using the 24mm buttons:


Megan just got these new Shabby Flowers in.  I love the new multi colored flowers.  These are all 2 1/2” flowers. 


Ever wonder where you can purchase felt circles.  Pampered Princess Pretties has them in a little over 2” dia.  These are perfect for the shabby flowers.  I just take my glue gun and spread out the glue on them and take my shabby flower and pull out a little and set it on the felt and you are done.


Here is one of the felt circles on the back of a shabby flower.  It does cover the whole back of them.  IMG_1270web

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